

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2022-09-01
IKEA may be known for its affordable furniture, but it is also associated with migration and starting life afresh

When people think of Sweden, IKEA would most likely stand out, with its ready-to-assemble furniture and Swedish meatballs (no matter how not authentic as judged by Nordic palates). I am no stranger to IKEA, but it has never struck me as more than a furniture maker. Until recently.

Three weeks ago, my family relocated from Beijing to Toronto. Unlike in Beijing, where most apartments are furnished, the vast majority of condos in Canada are not, which means one of the first things newcomers need to do is to visit an IKEA store. So in a way, IKEA is an essential service, but at the same time, it also provides some measure of security and comfort. IKEA accompanies you as you move into your new condo and start a new life.  

While I was assembling the furniture, I also had the epiphany that the experience mirrors life. You build your own life just as you put your furniture together. At first, it's unorganized, chaotic, and daunting, but everything changes as you move along. This is especially apt for new immigrants like my family: sometimes you have to start from scratch, but little by little you build it from the ground up. 

how it all started

I was also impressed by IKEA's minimalism and simplicity. No unnecessary parts. No unnecessary assembling tools. Everything is exact. Everything you need you will find in the packages. This is as much engineering beauty as cost minimization. It also makes perfect environmental sense. 

The assembling instructions are graphic and unambiguous. It struck me that not a single word is used throughout the manual; only illustrations. In them, you can find a list of items included in the package, how many pieces of the same item are included, what each item is called, and what steps to follow. Interestingly, every component is named numerically for clarity on the part of customers and for clear categorization on the part of IKEA. By doing so, IKEA has torn down language barriers. Anyone can understand the instructions and get the job done. 

illustrations only

The assembling is also linear and fool-proof. You have to follow the exact steps to get to the destination. As long as you follow the steps, you will not be wrong. No creativity, please. This may not sound fun to the artistically inclined, but it maximizes efficiency. It is a good design by design.  

IKEA has practical lessons for product managers. Every product manager should buy some IKEA furniture, read the illustrations, assemble it, disassemble it, and write down the takeaways. The world will be a better place, with far fewer confused users—and more happy ones. 

how it ended

我会在新合集“孟庆伟 Justin 的加拿大印象🇨🇦”中用中英文记录自己作为新移民的观察和思考,欢迎在文末订阅这个合集。

作者 | 孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng

dad, husband, immigrant, poker player


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